How to Master the 4 Levels of Delegation

Delegating is at the center of every successful, balanced CEO’s toolbox. But it’s not necessarily a skill that comes naturally or easily. 

In fact, many successful CEOs achieve serious success without delegating, which can make it feel impossible to start handing off tasks once you’ve reached a certain level of success. 

But if you want to be able to focus on visionary tasks and big-picture ideas as the CEO or founder of your business… you’re going to have to learn how to delegate.

We love breaking delegation down into 4 levels because it’s easier to understand and gives you milestones to work up to when you’re just beginning to delegate. If you’re already delegating some but know you could do more – using these levels is the perfect way to set your own growth goals. 

Understanding the 4 levels of delegation makes it easy to clearly request the support you need from your EA or team member, so everyone is on the same page and has the same expectations! 

What are the 4 levels of delegation?

Delegating tasks can be broken down into one of these four levels:

  • Level 1: Investigation: At this level, you ask someone to simply do the research on a specific topic and share their findings. You do not ask them to take any further action.

  • Level 2: Informed Progress: Level 2 delegation asks your team member to research and take action, while keeping you updated at regular milestones throughout the project.

  • Level 3: Informed Results: This type of delegation includes giving your EA a task and asking them to update you once it is complete. You don’t get regular updates, but you do want to know when it’s finished.

  • Level 4: Ownership: With Level 4 delegation, you empower your team member to fully own the project. They essentially take it and “run with it,” without checking in with you or providing updates or reports. 

Each level of delegation is useful for different tasks and different experience levels.

A brand new team member or VA may need to start with Level 1 and Level 2 tasks so they can learn the ropes and build their skills with your direction and supervision. In contrast, an experienced Elevate EA comes in ready to handle Level 1 to Level 4 delegation from Day 1. 

As you build your delegation skills as the leader, you may also need to focus on Level 1 and 2 until you’re more comfortable letting go of more control. 

There will always be tasks where you only need to use a lower level of delegation, and the goal is always to work with team members who are capable of fully owning projects and responsibilities at Level 4. 

Common delegation pitfalls

At every level of delegation, we often see problems arise when you, as the delegator, do not provide sufficient information.

For example, if you ask your EA to complete a Level 1 delegation task like finding restaurants for you at your next vacation spot, but you don’t tell them who will be attending dinner…

They could research romantic dinner spots for 2 when you have three children joining you and need family-friendly restaurant options!

The problem isn’t with the EA's research skills. The issue is a lack of clear, complete information being provided upfront. 

Another common pitfall we see with delegating is not setting proper milestones. This applies to Level 2 delegation. 

If you want to receive regular updates on a project, you need to set regular check-ins and be clear about the information you need to be updated on. 

For example, if you wait until the day before a project is due to check in and there’s a problem… it’s too late to fix it properly.

Instead, schedule Tuesday and Thursday check-ins and tell your support team members exactly what updates they need to provide on those days – whether it’s problems they have run into, questions they have, results, or specific tasks that have been completed.

The clearer, more organized, and more consistent the check-in process -  the better the results! 

What tasks fall under each level of delegation?

It can be helpful to categorize projects and tasks by delegation level so you know what to expect and your EA or VA knows what to deliver. Everyone performs better with clear expectations!

Typical Level 1 Delegation Tasks:

  • Research restaurants

  • Compile a list of tech platforms or tools

  • Look into options for an event venue

  • Find potential podcast guests

  • Research activities for a family vacation

Typical Level 2 Delegation Tasks:

  • Research and plan a vacation itinerary with approval of selected hotels, locations, activities, and dining along the way

  • Compile a list of tech platforms or tools, set up demos of each, make a pro/con list of each one, and share recommendation

  • Find potential podcast guests, get each guest approved, and reach out to schedule an interview 

Typical Level 3 Delegation Tasks:

  • Find potential podcast guests and share a list of scheduled interviews once they are confirmed

  • Make reservations at chosen restaurants and put the time and location for each dinner on the calendar 

  • Choose 2 tech platform recommendations and sign up for the platform with final approval 

Typical Level 4 Delegation Tasks:

  • Find the best tech platform and implement it

  • Create a detailed itinerary with dinner reservations and activities booked and scheduled

  • Create an SOP for finding and scheduling podcast guests and train a team member to follow the process

You should choose the level of delegation based on the results you need, the complexity of the task, and how much trust you have in your support team member

Choosing the right level of delegation sets everyone up for success!

Need help delegating in your business?

If learning about these 4 levels of delegation has shown you where you can improve your delegation skills or start delegating more – we’d love to help you implement what you’re learning!

A 1:1 Operations Strategy Call with our founder, Ashley, is the perfect opportunity to learn from the Delegation Queen herself, ask all your delegating questions, and make a plan for delegating better in your own business.

These calls are entirely customized to your questions and needs, and it’s only $199 for a 60-minute session that will transform your understanding of delegation and ability to hand off so many tasks that are currently sitting (unnecessarily) on your plate. 




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